Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The dates for the fall playday are as follows:
1st Sept. 19
2nd Oct. 2
3rd Oct. 10
4th Oct. 23
5th Oct. 30
Finals Nov. 6, 2010

We will be taking events suggestions to put in the hat and draw out... if you have suggestions or comments please email them to me at or you may call me. I am excited to start the fall series. I know they are stacked, but I want to be done long before Thanksgiving and this gives us room for a rain out, if we need it! Anyone wanting to help, please drop me a message. I hope this season will be the best yet! Thanks to all the parents who volunteered to help in the spring of 2011, due to some tough decisions I will be needing that help in the fall also!
A special thanks to Carrie for picking up the slack and helping get all of the prizes done! You done great and the kids really enjoyed them! We will post the flyer and the events as soon as we get them done.

See you all soon!!